A Planet to Nowhere by Nicholas Dufresne


A Planet to Nowhere  by Nicholas Dufresne   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GENRE:   Sci-fi

A Planet to Nowhere

by Nicholas Dufresne 


GENRE:   Sci-fi 



Adrian thought his time as a human experiment was over, that he was done suffering and had finally died. Never did he expect to wake up somewhere new, somewhere alien and far different than he could've ever imagined.

Has he found salvation, or is a test subject all he's destined to be?


When a scouting mission brings Reya and her team to a star sector that doesn't support life, they stumble into far more than they first bargained for. The planet they thought was deserted contains secrets with far-reaching consequences.



Where did the inspiration for your novel come from?

I read. A lot. I’ve been exposed to so many stories and unique concepts that I’ve lost count. The inspiration for my novel A Planet to Nowhere didn’t hit me all at once. Rather, I was reading a sci-fi story one day and thought to myself that it was interesting and well done. Yet, I was disappointed that certain aspects of the plot were never discussed or explored.

So I thought to myself, what if? What if the concept of human experimentation was explored more in-depth? What if all the experiments had a purpose and what would the consequences be? And then the ever-present question to my series presented itself: why?

I had many more of these what-if questions that came to me. Eventually, a story began to take shape in my mind throughout my daydreams. Something far different than what I first started out with. I strung together, piece by piece, a narrative that made sense and would encapsulate all of these elements and questions I so desperately wanted to find in a story.

At the time, I never thought I would be the one to write the story I was looking to read. So I searched, in stores and online, for something even remotely similar to what I envisioned. Only to come up short. This fruitless search led me to one final question: what if I wrote the story instead?

And so in my chair, I sat, over months and years, developing characters and a plot that would match my vision. My inspiration never came to me all at once. It was something I worked on constantly and refined over time that led to the end result. At its core though, was the concept of human experimentation performed by alien societies, as well as what first contact would be like in such a scenario.

I will forever be thankful for that first what if question that led me to writing my novel.



A Planet to Nowhere  by Nicholas Dufresne   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GENRE:   Sci-fi
The last thing he remembered was his futile struggle against the blue. Everything had been blue. He’d felt himself fade as the last vestiges of life fled from his body. His mind had shut down, turning itself off. And then, everything went black. 

The darkness. 

That crushing, never-ending darkness.

 Adrian shivered for entirely different reasons as his body heat leached away into the ground beneath him. He breathed deep lungfuls of air, immersed in the simple feeling of being. Blinking owlishly, he rid his eyes of the substance that clouded them while he lay on his back and stared at the ceiling.  


AUTHOR Bio and Links: 

Nicholas Dufresne is a Canadian writer from Montreal. An avid reader and lover of stories, delving into the worlds created by others is a passion of his that inspired him to write one of his own to share with the world. Fantasy and science fiction are his preferred genres, both to read and write. When not reading or writing, he’s probably dreaming up new worlds to explore.

Website: https://nicholasdufresne.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nicholas.dufresne.184

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicholas_dufresne/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicholas-dufresne-1082ab17b/

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Planet-Nowhere-Nicholas-Dufresne-ebook/dp/B0CCLFPQZS/

 The book will be free. 


Nicholas Dufresne will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Sci-fi is my favorite genre and A Planet to Nowhere sounds like an excellent read. Do you have a specific number of stories planned for the series or will you let the events and characters take you where they will?

    1. Hello Bea! The story is planned for a series. So far I have books 2 and 3 already written, along with a prequel. I'm working on book 4 now and it may or may not be the last one.

  2. I will be sharing this one with my husband! He & I love Sci-Fi!!

    1. Thank you for your interest! I hope your husband enjoys the story as much as I do! It's part of a planned series that so far has four books to it.

  3. If readers take away one message or lesson from your book, what would it be?

    1. The little things we take for granted are the ones you notice the most once they're gone. We should appreciate them while we have them. The main characters have to rediscover what they've lost after the events that take place in the novel.

  4. This sounds like an interesting book.

  5. How many hours a day do you write?

    1. Hello Tracie! When I was writing A Planet to Nowhere, I wrote 4 - 10 hours a day, seven days a week. I didn't take any days off when writing the first draft. Currently, I'm writing less per day, as I've been focusing on publishing my novel. I intend to get back into the swing of things soon! Maybe not as intensely as before, but still daily for at least an hour.

  6. Thanks so much for such an insightful response into your process and I wish you much happiness and success in the future!

  7. This looks like a great sci-fi novel. Going to read this one.

  8. Are you on social media and can your readers interact with you?

    1. I am on social media. Readers can interact with me through questions on my Goodreads page or through my website by filling out a contact form
