JANE AUSTEN LIED TO ME by Jeanette Watts



Jeanette Watts 


GENRE:  Romantic Comedy Audiobook 



JANE AUSTEN LIED TO ME Jeanette Watts   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GENRE:  Romantic Comedy Audiobook

What college girl doesn’t dream of meeting Mr. Darcy? Lizzy was certainly no exception. But when Darcy Fitzwilliam comes into her life, he turns out to be every bit as aggravating as Elizabeth Bennett’s Fitzwilliam Darcy. So what’s a modern girl to think, except....

How could my hero be so wrong? 



Feb 7 

This afternoon I got further confirmation that I’ve been seeing an awful lot of Michael.  I was wandering back to the apartment when Lon hailed me from one of the couches inside the lobby doors. 

“I have a message for you from your boyfriend,” he said, kind of stiffly.

 I looked at him stupidly for a moment.  “My what?”

 “Your boyfriend was here.  He said his phone was dead, so he couldn’t call or text you to tell you that he couldn’t stick around for dinner tonight.  He has a late meeting with a new client and he had to rush back to the office.”

 I was still having trouble with the boyfriend thing.  “Wait – do you mean Michael?”

 “If that’s the guy you’ve been seeing the last couple of months,” Lon said with a shrug.  “The one you’re always having dinner with.” 

“He’s not my boyfriend,” I protested. “He’s an old friend of the family.  We grew up together.” 

Lon's head was back at his computer screen.  “Boyfriend, friend.  The guy who kisses you goodnight all the time after he takes you out for dinner.  He’s not coming tonight.  I’ve delivered my message, that’s all I’ve got.” 

Right then Allie walked up.  “Hey, Lizzie!  Waiting for Michael?” 

“No, he’s not coming tonight.”  I headed to the elevator with her. 

“That’s a shame.  I know how much you enjoy having dinner with him, even if he does aggravate you a lot.” 

“Yeah.  It’s kind of a love-hate relationship,” I agreed.  


Topic: Did you have a minor character who insisted on playing a larger role in the story. If so, please tell us about it. And if not, please tell me how you get the characters in your head to behave. 

That would be Lon the Floor Nerd. (Who is named for a guy on my floor in the dorm my freshman year. That’s really what I called him. Sorry, Lon…) Jane Austen's Lied to Me went through more drafts with more radical changes than any other book I’ve written. 

Most of the book is really a series of vignettes as my college girl heroine navigates life at school. But it just felt right to have the segments with Lon break the structure and show up in between the other stories, especially as the story went from a novella to a novel, to the script for a Broadway musical. 

Getting the characters in my head to behave??? Why would I do that? 

There are those writers who write an outline, and then stick to it no matter what. That idea horrifies me. Any artificial intelligence algorithm can stick to an outline. The process of creativity is messy. It’s about getting in the dirt, getting as much paint on yourself as on the canvas, and letting the truth of the characters emerge as you write. 

In my first novel, I tried to introduce a sexy maidservant to be a side interest, while the hero pined for a woman he couldn’t have. My hero never looked at her. He’s a one-woman kind of guy. No matter how hard she flirted with him, he just wasn’t interested. It just wasn’t in his character. He couldn’t move on with his life. The heart wants what the heart wants… 

That’s when I learned to trust my character. If I just listen to them, and let them be their best – or worst – selves, the end result may take me places I didn’t expect to go. But the end result is always better than what I would have gotten if I slashed away at anything that didn’t fit the original outline. 


AUTHOR Bio and Links: 

JANE AUSTEN LIED TO ME Jeanette Watts   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GENRE:  Romantic Comedy Audiobook
Jeanette Watts has written three Jane Austen-inspired novels and two short stories for Jane Austen Fan Fiction anthologies, two other works of historical fiction, stage melodramas, television commercials, and historical dance manuals. She is a regular contributor to MOMCC Magazine. 

When she is not writing, she is either dancing, sewing, or making videos for her YouTube channel and TikTok accounts, “History is My Playground.”

Contact Links 

Website: https://www.JeanetteWatts.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JeanetteWattsAuthor

Twitter: twitter.com/JeanetteAWatts

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6967936.Jeanette_Watts


Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jeanette2420/_saved/

Instagram: instagram.com/jeanetteamlwatts


Or YouTube handle: youtube.com/historyismyplayground1827

TikTok: tiktok.com/historyismyplayground  



 The author will be awarding a Jane Austen Coloring Book (US only) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter. 

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