LICENSED TO REAR  Riya Aarini   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GENRE:  Family Fiction   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Riya Aarini 


GENRE:  Family Fiction 



Mila Winston aspires to earn a professional license to practice parenthood. It’s all she needs to start her family in the happiest micronation on Earth. Newcomers flock to Coolbeensia to fulfill their dreams of raising children here, where kids are guaranteed loving—as opposed to horrible—parents. 

But mighty obstacles test Mila’s grit. Peter Losor, a chap with an annoying air of bravado, questionable parenting skills, and a defiant personality, stirs up trouble, eventually challenging the very law that defines Coolbeensia—that licensure is mandatory to enjoy the privilege of raising children. 

Will Mila survive her trying ordeal and achieve her ambitions of being a licensed parent in the quirky yet revolutionary micronation? Find out in this satirical, contemporary family fiction novel that will leave you second-guessing the ideals surrounding the prestigious job of parenthood! 



“He’s seven, barely getting started,” Jason retorted. “And for life? Are you kidding me?” 

“Well, we have to look closely at the defendant’s conduct and determine if it unequivocally led to a violation of the plaintiff’s Fifth Amendment rights.” 

“What was that right again?” 

With a heavy sigh, Mila shook her head. “Jason, you should know it by now. It’s Friday, and you had three days to memorize the entire Bill of Rights.” 

He ran his hand through his hair. “Yeah, but—” 

“No excuses, Jace. We’ve got to prepare if we’re going to be licensed parents.” She put her hand on his thigh and gave it a light push. “Anyway, the Fifth Amendment states that kids have the right to live in a make-believe world for as long as they wish.” She dropped her tablet onto her lap. “For sure, per Coolbeensian law, this kid’s right was violated.” 

Jason jerked his head back. “How so? Kids at some point realize there’s no Santa Claus.” 

“But at age seven, he had the right to be inspired by the magical world of Santa and other legendary beings. I mean, it’s just plain wrong that the father’s irresponsible blurt led him to no longer believe in the Tooth Fairy too. These figures add so much joy and wonder to a child’s life. The father had no right to take that joy away from his son so soon.” 

She crossed her arms. “It’s just not sensitive parenting.” 

“Eh, I disagree,” Jason argued, cocking his head. “In a couple years’ time he’d have learned the truth anyway, from friends and even teachers.” 

Mila flung her neck back. “Ugh, I’d never tell my fourth graders that Santa doesn’t exist.” Her eyes grew big. “Some still believe.” 


Book: Licensed to Rear

Author: Riya Aarini

Topic: Any top 10s lists; day in the life of the author or a character; 5 things we didn't know about a character; a music playlist for the book. 

A day in the life of His Excellency the President Eloney Ben Resz:

The First Lady prepares her husband an Irish breakfast (he’s of Hungarian ancestry): a hot plate of two fried eggs, five sizzling sausages cooked until charred, grilled tomatoes, and a thick slice of Irish soda bread. The President of Coolbeensia washes his hearty breakfast down with chilled orange juice from Sam’s Grocery down the street.

President Eloney, patting his full belly, opens up the morning newspaper—he’s sixtyish, so reading on a tablet is uncomfortably futuristic for his tastes and a little befuddling. He scans the headlines for news about Coolbeensia and nearby foreign territories, from Idaho to New Jersey. It’s a balmy eighty degrees in Coolbeensia, motivating him to get up and turn on the oscillating fan.

His one-story house undergoes a daily cleaning. Since Margaret is in charge of the cooking, President Eloney handles the other household chores. He turns on the stereo. Bobbing his head and mouthing the words to the catchy retro tune “Bust a Move,” he dusts the shelves, wipes down the walls, and vacuums.

As president, Eloney performs official tasks too. He meets with his ministers: Minister of Stand-up, Minister of Off the Beaten Paths, Minister of Ikebana and the two Ministers of Ethnic Food Tours. They provide him with appropriate briefings, to which he nods, then falls asleep five minutes afterward.

Coolbeensia is a highly desirable place to live. The Office of Immigration keeps him busy in the afternoon. As head of immigration, it is his responsibility to accept or reject the incoming flood of applications. Due to his open-door policy, he approves every applicant without hesitation.

Night falls, and Eloney is tired after another long but satisfying day. He tucks himself into bed next to the First Lady, puts on his satin sleep mask, and falls asleep as soon as his head hits the down pillow.

A hard day’s work as the eminent leader of Coolbeensia calls for a good night’s rest.


AUTHOR Bio and Links: 

Riya Aarini entered her small part of the world one summer day in the Pacific Northwest. She writes in an eclectic mix of genres, including humor and contemporary fiction. If you enjoy quirkiness with a pinch of whimsy, you’ll have an appetite for her books. 

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The author will be awarding a book-themed T-shirt to a randomly drawn winner. 

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