DRAGON SONG by Shirley McCoy

DRAGON SONG  by Shirley McCoy   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GENRE:  Paranormal Romance   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~


by Shirley McCoy 


GENRE:  Paranormal Romance 



DRAGON SONG  by Shirley McCoy   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GENRE:  Paranormal Romance   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dragons rule the world. Princess Morgan Talbot of Esterhaven knows one rules her. Rownar, the most powerful dragon of all, forced a magical bond with her at a tender age. He intends to corrupt her soul, and then consume her body. Now of age, Morgan knows she must take back her life and defeat Rownar, and all his kind. Connor O'Malley is the greatest dragon slayer alive. He spends one memorable night with Morgan, never thinking of seeing her again. Until he does. He is deeply shaken to learn the woman he fell for is a princess and determined to conquer Rownar herself. When Connor offers to train her, Morgan reluctantly accepts. Now an epic battle will begin, for a princess's life, her soul, her kingdom, and the world. 



As they cautiously navigated through the hoard, Morgan detected a slight glow in her peripheral vision. It flared up, then subsided. As they stepped forward, she discerned it again, and this time she whipped around quickly enough to see a small magical symbol etched in the floor behind them light up, then dim.

 “Oh no,” she murmured. 

“What’s wrong?” Connor demanded in a sharp tone. 

She paced further and showed him. “I think if Meglos doesn’t already know we are here, he will soon.” 

As if on cue, deep within the cave, the sound of an almighty clang of metal meeting metal filled their ears. Then came a roar, the kind which could only be made by a dragon. 

Morgan knew her eyes must be wide as saucers, but she couldn’t seem to help it or move at all, in fact. Horror rooted her to the spot, unable even to speak, much less move. 

Connor was not so afflicted. “Run!” 

When she didn’t twitch so much as an eyelash, he yelled, “Run, Morgan!”

 The volume of his words, his manner, and most of all, the use of her name, snapped her out of her panicked shock at last. She went from utter stillness to moving faster than she ever had in her life. 

The dragon, shrieking and breathing fire all the while, flew after them. 


AUTHOR Bio and Links: 

DRAGON SONG  by Shirley McCoy   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GENRE:  Paranormal Romance   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Shirley McCoy grew up in Baton Rouge, LA and started writing at an early age. Always talkative, when she was eleven she began to put her thoughts on paper, writing stories inspired by some of her favourite writers, Laura Ingalls Wilder and Madeline L'Engle. As she grew older, she developed a love of romance and in 2009 she decided to try her hand at paranormal romance. The result was The Smoke and the Flame and its sequel, The Wind and the Fire. The Smoke and the Flame is the first novel she has ever completed, although she has written several unpublished screenplays. 

Shirley graduated from Nicholls State University where she majored in History and minored in English. Since graduating (she doesn't like to think about how long ago that was) she has worked at some of the best libraries in the Baton Rouge area. She makes her home there and enjoys spending time with family members who live in town as well as with those who live out of town. She also loves seeing movies, reading, and going to the park with her niece in her free time. 

Amazon Author Page:https://www.amazon.com/stores/Shirley-McCoy/author/B00BZ6SNMU

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shirlmccoy50/

Website: https://shirleypmccoy.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shirley_mccoy/ 



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  1. We appreciate you featuring this book today.

  2. I appreciate you featuring my book today!

  3. What is your favorite space to do your writing?

  4. Good morning! Thanks for taking a look at my new release, Dragon Song! Please post comments, questions etc. for me if you like. A question I have is what format do you like to read your books in? E-book, traditional hardback or audio? As I am also a narrator I would love to know what readers prefer.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Marcy!

  6. Thanks so much for checking out Dragon Song today. If you are interested in a copy the buy link is above. If you are interested in news about future releases and appearances, click the above link to my website to join my email list. Thanks again for your interest.

    1. It was a pleasure hosting you.

    2. Thank you! This is my first blog tour and it’s been great.

  7. PNR is my favorite to read. This sounds really good.

    1. Thanks so much, Elaine G

  8. Love the cover! Sounds like a great read!

  9. I am hosting a facebook live event on this Saturday, November 4th at 10 a.m. CST to celebrate the release of Dragon Song. Please join me. https://facebook.com/events/s/dragon-song-release-party/994724435086783/?mibextid=RQdjqZ

  10. So, I wanted to close out my blog tour by saying what I can’t say enough, thanks. To my many terrific hosts, to Goddess Fish and to everyone who checked out Dragon Song at any of the stops on the tour. This was my first blog tour and it has been a blast! To those who are asking what’s next for Shirley, well a novel called Welcome to Niceville. Think Wanda Vision, think Stepford Wives, think the 90’s movie Pleasantville and mix them all together! For more updates, just check my website or join my email list. Anyway, thanks so much!!!

  11. Do you have a preferred time of day to do your writing?
