MAMACADABRA By Carrie Monroe This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn commenter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
MAMACADABRA By Carrie Monroe
Starting her third year of marriage, Carrie Monroe O’Keefe had already been on the roller coaster of extreme highs and lows of a newly blended family. Thinking she could do a better job of navigating marriage, stepmotherhood, working full time, and all of the things, she embarked on a year of “what if.”

Settling into her role as wife and mom, she tried to find ways to do things better, see things differently, and reframe her thinking to create a better home for her family and to feel more at home herself. With humor, unwavering honesty, vulnerability, and sarcasm, Carrie finds her way through the year and to her true self.
Read an Excerpt

From Chapter: A Real Mom After All

No one can fully prepare you for the journey of being a stepmom. In the early days, I doubted myself daily, suffered from depression, considered divorce, and constantly questioned the meaning and viability of our relationship. My relationship with my little girls that is.

I had to look at the kind of mom I wanted to be and the kind of mom I actually was. Because we only have our little girls half the time, I was consumed with worry about what their life was like when they weren’t with us. However, this only led to me being too uptight, too rigid, and too crabby. When they came home, the worry subsided but then I turned into a crazy mom, constantly trying to have everything work perfectly. Which, obviously, isn’t a thing.

It took a while, but eventually everything just kind of fell into place. I stopped worrying what people thought about how I parent. I stopped caring whether others viewed me as one of the little girls’ moms. Most importantly, I stopped trying to compare myself to someone else. Finally, I decided I was one of their parents and I do, in fact, matter. I’m playing an important part in how these little girls will grow up, how they’ll turn out and who they’ll become. I am one of their moms.

About the Author:
MAMACADABRA By Carrie Monroe
Carrie Monroe O’Keefe started blogging about her life by sharing stories of marriage, stepmotherhood, and how to navigate it all on in 2012. People said they loved reading the posts, so she kept writing. In addition to blogging, she released her middle-grade fiction book, The Whole Truth, in 2019.

Carrie lives outside of Minneapolis with her husband, two daughters, and dog Finlay.


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  1. Thanks so much for hosting! I hope people enjoy the book!

  2. This looks like a great novel. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

    1. Carrie Monroe O'Keefe6 February 2024 at 19:16

      Thanks so much! I'd love your feedback on the book if you have the chance to read it!

  3. The excerpt sounds really good.

  4. Great excerpt and giveaway. :)

  5. Carrie Monroe O'Keefe6 February 2024 at 19:17

    Thanks Cali!

  6. Carrie Monroe O'Keefe6 February 2024 at 19:18

    Thanks so much for hosting this stop of my book tour! I so appreciate it.
