TIMESLAYERS by Colin Sephton

TIMESLAYERS Colin Sephton  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GENRE:  Steampunk Adventure Mystery   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Colin Sephton


GENRE:  Steampunk Adventure Mystery 



TIMESLAYERS Colin Sephton  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GENRE:  Steampunk Adventure Mystery   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In a Steampunk Oxford, Ignatius and Indigo are both agents for the Union Jacks, a secret organization. The role of the Union is to protect the British Empire, which is at the height of its powers, and help in its technological advances. They have discovered the existence of the mystical Book of Consciousness written by the creator of the cosmos, the genderless Omnisoul. The book is the history of everything that is, that has been and that will be. The agents are aided by Skye, who accidentally calls forth seven merciless immortals called the Charon. 

Known as the Beautiful and the Damned, the Charon are the Infernal Dukes of Hell, created to carry out the will of the Omisoul. But they are tired of their immortality and want to end their existence. Elsewhere, the sorcerer Ragnar of Roc has conjured a hole in spacetime, allowing the draconic Elder God Calabi Ya to re-enter the cosmos from the Ghost Worlds. He is as old as the Omnisoul and wants the book to learn his destiny. The two Union Jacks leave Oxford and are taken on a journey across the cosmos in the great ship Taraka, which sails through space and time. Ignatius and Indigo are mere pawns in the cosmic ocean of fate, carried to fabled places, witness to bloody massacres, and half-willing conspirators in the Charon’s plot to thwart the Omnisoul’s plan and defeat the protectors of the Well at the Centre of Time. 



He ran his hand through a shock of blonde hair that looked permanently wind swept. Isambard Ignatius was a tall young man; he was handsome, dressed in a frock coat of check tweed and an engineer’s waistcoat, complete with a large silver pocket watch and chain.

 From previous research, Ignatius had discovered a vague reference to an archaic manuscript that was said to hold the key to reality, the story of the whole cosmos – what had been, what was and that which was to come. This was said to be the biography of the cosmos. Legend had it that the book was unique in being older than the earth, indestructible, and that whoever read it could see the events described within pass before their eyes. Ignatius didn’t believe this but did believe that in the wrong hands the book could be very dangerous. 

Ignatius was beginning to realize that the body was, as many eastern aesthetics had taught through the ages, surplus, just a vehicle for the mind. This was a philosophy and science that would make religion obsolete. The view that the real world was nothing more than the physical world was destined to come crumbling down and be lost in the debris of all religious buildings. He knew this was why the Administorium were trying to keep an eye on his activities. 


 TOPIC: In the course of writing our books, there is always a fascinating piece of research that we stumble on and it may, or may not make it into our stories. Really good research should, of course, never be intrusive so here is your opportunity to let that little piece of trivia or major research point have its moment in the sun. For your post, it would be wonderful if you could share a “Fun Fact”. Illustrations are welcome. Please attach all photographs as separate .jpg files. 

To write Timeslayers I carried out a lot of research to understand the latest thinking on the universe and consciousness. It’s difficult to discuss some of the research as it will give away some of the plot, some of which is yet to come in future novels. However, the general thought process I used for some of the major themes are discussed here. Initially the research I have looked at may seem a little irrelevant but let me take you through it and you will begin to understand the cosmos in which the two protagonists, Ignatius and Indigo, find themselves.

Most of the elements that make up humans were created over the course of billions of years. The carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones and the iron in our blood were all created in stars. We are literally made of stardust. Therefore, I believe it is undeniable that we are an integral part of the universe. We can’t say we live in it; we are a part of it. Life and the universe are one.

If we look at this further, and look at pairs of sub-atomic particles, they can be linked to each other even though they may be separated over billions of light years. Therefore, simply, affecting one particle can have an effect on its pair, despite the huge distance between them. One of these pairs may be in your body which again means you are linked to the universe. These particles can also be described as vibrating parcels of energy. All matter is, therefore, vibrating energy.

I used this research for in two ways. Firstly, the protagonists are seeking the Book of Consciousness, written by the creator of everything, the genderless Omnisoul. It is the history of the cosmos, what has been, what is, and what will be. It is a book that is directly linked to all that happens in the cosmos, implying that the cosmos is conscious in some way. The implication here, is that it must be, we are a part of it! Secondly Ignatius and Indigo discover that you can use sound as a weapon. One of the characters. Paladin, has a weapon that is also a musical instrument. When he blows it, he can destroy his enemies. Music is an energy made by vibrating air molecules and if Paladin can match the musical notes to the same vibration as the matter (his enemies) he can cause resonance, adjust this and he is able to cause vibrations that can destroy them.

Interestingly, this knowledge seems to have been understood in ancient times in India. The ancient Vedic texts say the universe was created as pure vibration. This cosmic sound is called Nada Brahman, and it is the same sound vibration of the Om mantra. The mantra is the way a person can become at one with the universe, which takes us back to the fact we are a part of the universe! This ancient philosophy is called Nada Yoga and it can be used to promote wellbeing.

I found this research fascinating and will be looking into it further! 


AUTHOR Bio and Links: 

TIMESLAYERS Colin Sephton  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GENRE:  Steampunk Adventure Mystery   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Colin was born in Coventry and worked in the automotive industry for over twenty years before becoming an Engineering teacher. Obtaining his first library card at the age of thirteen, he became an avid reader of Fantasy and the mysteries of the Universe. He has an inbuilt curiosity for lost knowledge and ancient texts that may help to unlock the secrets of consciousness and the universe. Living in Oxford for many years, he has now moved back to his home county of Warwickshire where he enjoys creating and working with his wife on their garden in which he writes and entertains their two grandsons. He has always been an artist and writer and is inspired by the worlds created by Robert E Howard and Michael Moorcock, with the artwork of Frank Frazetta. 

Amazon Buy Link:amazon.com/Timeslayers-Colin-Sephton/dp/196230809X/ref=sr_1_1

Publisher Author Page: https://cinnabarmoth.com/colin-sephton/

Website: https://sephtonart.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timeslayers/ 



The author will award a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. 

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  1. Thank you so much for hosting today.

    1. This looks like an enthralling read. Thanks for hosting.

    2. You're welcomed Michael.

    3. Thank you Michael for your compliment. I hope readers enjoy it.

  2. Thank you for your question and giving me the chance to explain my research in a bit more detail. For anybody who has already read Timeslayers, I would be interested in their views and see what they thought of the 'cosmic' element of this Steampunk adventure.

    1. It's such an honour to host your beautiful book.

  3. This sounds like a great story.
